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Cruise around Corsica 99

Versione Italiana

He/she returns to the Nautical one

This wants to be the diary of trip of a cruise unwound himself/herself/themselves around Corsica in the period 31.7 to 7.1.99.Arrivati to Lead on Saturdays toward the hours 10.00 after having done around six hours of trip, we leave the cars in a guarded parking lot and we embark there on the ferry that departs at 11.00 o'clock for Rio Marina to the island In Elba. photo Dufour piccola1.cpt (96493 byte)-------------

We are in advance in comparison to the time to take on consignment the boat, therefore we have the whole time to make the first good base pranzetto of fish and to effect the expense for the galley. And' so that Heti, Simone, Martina, Devid, Stephen, Lorenzo,(Gagio)Lorenzo(il chitarrista)ed me we finally enter the dream. The boat is stupendous, it is a Dufour Classic of 50 feet (m:15,22) 5 rooms double 3 baths 1 shower, bridge in teck, fenced spanker, accessoriato well and it is the second year that Ivana Di the Eva Sail, it assigns us a new boat and this time we are even the first crew. du49jpg.jpg (117414 byte)
We set sail at the 20.00 with this 160 quintals boat for I Bring Blue where in roadstead to the anchor there ambientiamo a Po and we learn to know her/it, while it plays Lawrence and how tall they sing someone it prepares the supper. This covers he/she wanted to be also moment of rest of the crew, after a long day among warm trip etc. and also a choice not to have a whole night of crossing in sea with a crew bridegroom. To the 01.45 anybody it feels like sleeping, the wind is void, the tall leveled pressure, forecasts of flat absolute for that a little at night that it stays, we decide to set sail. The motor disburses 60hp and to 3.200 turns and we have a cruising speed of 7,4 knots, among music songs and joy we face the crossing for a rout of 213°. After a pò it begins to drizzle therefore besides the safety belts for the night the tarpaulins appear, they remain the two Lawrence in cover together with Devid and while the boat you à the other ones are to sleep. In the first afternoon, we reach the Rondinara that is the our first it covers in that of Corsica and after having found and systematized to right-hand the flag of courtesy we throw he/she anchors him in this very beautiful bay, we make then the bath na good pasta, meanwhile it refreshes the wind, we in shelter feel him/it whistle, in sea the boats have good wind, so we take advantage of to leave again. We hoist the enormous spanker and we develop the bow, with the crew I have the opportunity of improving the manoeuvres, we train there to give hand of you reef, Stephen and David, become the holders of the delicate manoeuvre while the Lawrence they alternate him to the wincheses. The girls let each other do and for the moment they catch the sun, they read and they happily participate in the wisecracks of each and also to every toast that often together with some good tartina there you à to do. We enter the Mouths passing to south of Lavezzi with 15 knots of wind from No that it brings us to sails explained until almost to the entrance of the fiord of entry to Bonifacio,(ore 19.00) it covers of obligation that gathers and wonder who accesses for the first time this characteristic I bring. I test these mole sailors to the first true berth, by radio they immediately assign us a place after the ferries, each employee and ready to his/her place of manoeuvre, the wind from No channeled him in the fiord it increased for the effect "Future" and during the berth we would have found him to the beam, David to the anchor well he/she knew the importance to give chain with continuity maintaining the boat manovriera even if leeward it didn't miss the street of escape to refer the manoeuvre. The Lawrence quickly they anchored the boat with the stern to the bench, while Stephen kindly entertained for the occasion on a beautiful Ketch sopravento, cazzava a retention of bow, Martina and the other girls had a big of bargain with the fenders. The turning off of the motor marks the end manoeuvre, we put in clear the boat the feet in bench discover the continuous one to ripple earth hips To Bonifacio the crew departs to the search of an inn.. Immediately a good fresh bianchetto, as appetizer, the guitar and a cantata together immediately tuning up the preferred song "Hey Hand" while it is continuing the life of the I bring with his/her buzz of boats and people. Photo Dufour piccola2.cpt (116279 byte)

To the 10.00 of the morning we still have to depart, yesterday's supper, the demand to finally rest, (David among trip crossing a thing and the other, in 48 hours you/he/she had slept 3 hours) a good breakfast, Heti and Simone that among to phone and to buy the postcards they employ a half morning you add that we are in vacations and that it doesn't race us behind anybody, at 11.30 o'clock we go out of the fiord of Bonifacio for 180°, on the spanker, a light wind from No coadiuva the motor that gets over the 7 knots to 2800 turns. We cross the Mouths in little time meanwhile, who is in cover him he/she takes the sun, Heti and Simone, they are two Dutch girls that to appreciate the whole rest, loves further the Italian sun and a coming and going of tanning and others to tall protection wandered everywhere a po. In the small bay of Head it Makes a will in so transparent waters that it seems yourself to touch the fund we throw he/she anchors him on a sandy backdrop of five meters. The plant Hi Fi of the boat goes to everything flattens. You/they will be brought at least forty CD. Before eating, we cover the grit with the special canopy hood that develops him and it withdraws through him to liking a framework, then to the shade refreshed by the breeze of sea we prepare there to silently organize us the afternoon. I learn to make to fly my kite, Stephen shoots with the water rifle, the "Lawrence" scorrazzano with the tender from some part there is then who law and who writes postcards. (David keeps on resting)
Fifty-fifty afternoon we leave again maintaining on the left the island of you Scatter and then of the Maddalena. Our destination is the island of Caprera where we will spend the night to Cove Portese, a small "bay" where he is well ridosati from the anticipated winds in these days, the fund is enough good tenitore, already last year I have thrown he/she anchors him to spend the night and I have found the really enchanting place. The night goes by to the chiaror of Moon among falling stars and you mocks more and more coinvolgenti, then when Lawrence complains badly to the fingers to strength to play, someone you à to sleep while others continue with animate discourses that space from the mountaineering, to the politics, to end to the racism toward the 05.30.
Obviously to the 07.00 o'clock breakfast we were in little. The sea like the oil the absolute silence in the caletta, the sun that immediately begins to heat drying the cover some damp, spellbound to bow while I am looking at the fund in these transparent waters I observe some sea life. The call of the moka and the odor of the coffee it calls me to our habits back, then the sacreligious noise of the motor and the typical din of the big chain that with the motor in insane it conducts us plain pine on the verticality of the he/she anchors. We set sail to the 07.30 direction I bring Massimo to the Maddalena, we need some everything, from the water for the shower, to the fresh bread etc. As I had supposed the small one I bring it is too much rather very crowded for our boat. Meanwhile telephone to Alberto and to his/her sister Helen that I/you/they are in the parts with a beautiful Gran Soleil 46'. I am from a little set sail by S. Teresa of Gallura, from now our direction it is Ajaccio their destination it is opposite, we meet there in the mean of the Mouths of Bonifacio, Helen jumps on board of our boat even if for few time, enchanting all of us. Not just returned on his/her boat I have had to sip me the criticisms of everybody, because as commander I would have had to hold dangerous the manoeuvre of reimbarco and to maintain her/it on board for acts of God. Would have been too much beautiful!!!
We go out of the Mouths, scrutinizing with the binoculars new panoramas, the Sea of Corsica it appears more savage gives me the idea of a something of very fascinating, but not to even take him a Po' of confidence. We cross little boats, the coast would deserve more availabilities of time. The crew is already more sailor today conditions will be excellent, to Ajaccio we will see.
They are the 13.20 when to the beam of Les Moines we plan the new rout for 316°. To Point de Sentosa we give of motor to bring us before. Ajaccio is still distant and would be important to succeed in making the expense and restocking of gas-oil for tomorrow to be able to be early. In the beautiful mean of the Gulf de Valinco the wind from No it refreshes up to 17 knots, the boat flies of bowline to 7 knots. At 19.00 o'clock the boat is well systematized in I bring, for other well equipped, the closed shops always justify a good supper to base of fish in one of the so many characteristic restaurants near the I bring. Tiredness makes him feel and to anybody desire comes to make small times. There is a pleasant double room all for me, the well moored boat in I bring, the forecasts for the next day confirm how much already sapevo.Mi I devote to the reading of a book, having as foundation the tinkling of the halyards and the typical nighttime noises of the I bring. This brings well me to an authentic star with myself, almost gratifying me for this sense of internal independence where also the emotions leave space to the simplicity dell 'mind, up to make to sleep me.

Martina and Lawrence-coasting along the wild western coast of Corsica costs Early everybody tastes then together there first the usual odor of coffee the breakfast with the bread, "Corso"appena sfornato. And' of good auspice the desire to play of Lawrence and to sing of Martina, while we are preparing there to set sail. The sun hardly penetrates the altostrati, a light long wave, the wind from No that it grows as soon as we approach us to Pointe de the Parade. I think to how much the navigation should be hard with the ugly time from these parts. The wind, the sea, the sun the rout is for 348° and again we is in tuning with what is around us. Lawrence "gagio" it learns to take the points ship, so for the whole day it will have the opportunity of training him. We find us to the beam of Cap Rossu, sbinocoliamo all admiring the strapiombantis walls of the Calanches Corse, excellent to climb both toward east that west. We have with us the alpine material, but we cannot take advantage for lack of time of it, so desolate we cross the Golfe de I Bring. The neighbor turns will take there more time!! To the left The wide bowline with mure conducts us to a mile to the beam of the Ile De Gargalu, as soon as after the Gulf de Girolata. The paper purchased to Bonifacio allows the approach the tall rocky woodpeckers, that hack him toward the sky, leaving narrow passages in many colored and deep waters. The song of "Hi Man" tuned up by our gruppetto, it bounces among the walls strapiombanti of the bluff producing an echo suggestive. We leave again and toward the 18.00 we reach Calvì in roadstead du55.jpg (99152 byte) where we throw he/she anchors him. I remember some years ago the crowd found in the city, now I have also the same feeling. The beautiful one to go by boat of August is that you don't realize you (as) of the crowd that is on the firm earth. Under the boundaries strengthened of Calvì, you/they have prepared a mega musical concert, to base of Raced songs and other, we will assist in the first row. Du50.jpg (107679 byte) Stephen meanwhile he/she cooks the salmon purchased to Aiaccio it is everything busy, him from a hand Lawrence that is a good cook, Martina is nervousness and the Dutchwomen meanwhile they consult the paper to establish where they are exactly found. The frame is stupendous, Calvì with its illuminated boundaries, an arm of sea that detaches yourself from the troublesome noises and it makes you feel and to see that so much that you ago pleasure. du51.jpg (113587 byte)Later eaten all to earth with the tender endowed with a motor of few horses, they visit until late the city and then disco.
The morning toward the 10.30 we depart with destination the island of Goatherd. Some to sail some to motor we try to maintain an average from the 6-7 knots. I scrutinize the horizon with the illusion to see some fish, but I believe that it will be for another volta.Tagliamo the Gulf of St. sails Florent explained with a wind from No around 15 knots then the coast is seen in again distance. Under the tendalino, pasta in table with some good fresh wine, while we are perceiving in bow the features of Big Head. You/he/she is quickly changing the pressure, we prepare the boat to a probable jump of wind. We are to Head Raced at 16.30 o'clock. From the sea I perceive a small stradina that coming from South it conducts to four cottages, an inn, from really the idea of a place out hand. The small beach, entertains few swimmers, to the anchor some boat. The zone is well ridosata to the winds of East South. In fact we take advantage for lending a hand of you reef and we face a good wind of Sirocco. Suddenly everything becomes full of vitality, each is busy for settling himself/herself/themselves to the sure one from the frequent spray that the waves regalano.Qualcuno there he doesn't feel very well and it systematizes apart him well tied up in grit. Stephen succeeds in arriving in bow to effect some resumption, despite the comfortable takings and the braid you/he/she has his/her beautiful difficulty to reenter in grit without losing the television camera. Also this contributes to vivacizzare the moment. After a po, we get used there to the wave, to the strong wind and we start again to sing. Around soul is not seen long live, already afresh Course those few boats seen around had disappeared. The conditions of sea and wind are ideal to enjoy at the most the joy to sail to explained sails (over the eight knots) toward the Goatherd, where we will spend later in roadstead the night to have thrown he/she anchors him in front of the entrance of the dock. Afresh Course toward the island of Goatherd) The backdrop is good tenitore and we will spend a calm night of deserved rest.

57.JPG (99919 byteses)It wakes up at 06.30 o'clock; Chiamo Lawrence that cared to gather the last moment of quiet. They make capolino the unusual ones (for us) noises that the new day announces. One after the other some fishermen go out in sea with a noise of motor to burst that also wakes up again who would have liked to sleep, some gulls make the rest, but it are the time of breakfast before departing for the by now near Island In Elba, final destination of our turn.

The satisfied crew comments, you/he/she is surely " an experience to refer." I think instead that in August of an altr'anno, besides the turn of Corsica we will add the turn of Sardinia.

